
The Visual Land Prestige Elite 7Q is designed for the everyday user, is built with a 1.2GHZ Quad Core for lightning fast speed, is Google Certified giving you access to the Google Play Stores huge selection of apps, games, movies, music, books, etc, and runs the latest Android operating system Lollipop 5. At 7″ the Elite 7Q is portable, powerful and easy to carry anywhere life takes you. This tablet is offered in 7 different colors, is loaded with premium features such as a high definition (1024

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Visual Land Prestige Elite 7Q with WiFi 7″ Touchscreen Tablet PC: Technical Specifications:1.2GHz Quad-Core processor1GB DDR3 of system memory7.0″ touchscreen, 1024 x 600 resolutionBuilt-in 802.11b/g/n WiFiAdditional Features: Front 1.3MP webcam with microphoneminiUSB 2.0 port, 3.5mm headphone jack8GB onboard storage memory, additional memory via microSD card slotUp to 8 hours of run time on a full chargeWeighs 10.5 oz; 7.5″ x 0.40″ x 4.7″ dimensionsSoftware and Applications: Android 5 LollipopEmail, Skype, Netflix, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Video PlayerPDF Reader, Chrome browser and Google Play (for applications)Media Formats: popular media formatsWhat’s in the Box: Tablet, battery, keyboard case and AC adapterWhat’s a Tablet PC?Tablet PCs are compact, ultra-portable entertainment devices that let you read email, surf the Internet, read eBooks, view photos, play games, listen to music and watch video files. Most tablets are based on a smaller operating system, which allows you to purchase and download additional applications from supported stores. Tablet PCs do not have a CD/DVD drive and will not run Microsoft Windows or its applications. Tablet PCs function as a secondary device for casual entertainment purposes, and are not meant to replace a computer. They are ideal for use around the home and on the go with WiFi or 3-4G mobile broadband connections (pay as you go, contract may be required for service).

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Visual Land